What is the floor siphon and how to clean it

What is the floor siphon and how to clean it

We find the floor siphon against daughters on the bathroom floor. There are, of course, cases where we can find it in other parts of the house, such as the balcony or the terrace. It is an integral part of the plumbing system in the bathroom, which is why you can find it in all types of bathrooms. You may not like it aesthetically, but it’s there to protect your space. So, if you are wondering how the floor siphon works, in this article we will solve all your questions.

How the floor siphon works

How does the floor siphon work? The main function of the siphon floor is to remove water that falls to the floor. The siphon, in addition to its obvious function, also serves to avoid the stench of the sewer system. The bathroom floor siphon connects the three pipes, which belong to the shower/bathtub, the sink, and the washing machine. From that point on, the water from the three springs we mentioned passes through the siphon and is led to the main sewer.

There are many types of tapas or grills that can go where our siphon is, making it look more beautiful. In the trade you can find a variety of plugs, silicone plugs, or round grills, round safety grills, pressed floor grills, etc.

It is very important to pay attention to what we throw in the shower/bathtub, the sink, and the washing machine. Always keep in mind how the floor heater works in your bathroom. There is a high probability that the pipes will clog in cases where rubbish or hairs have passed into the piping system. This can put us in trouble, as we will have to block the siphon before opening the water to one of the three pipes that lead to it.

Floor siphon plug

It is a problem that we have all faced in the past. As mentioned above, one of the main functions of the siphon is to trap bad odors in the pipes. This part of the network is capable of clogging due to some organic or inorganic materials that attach to its walls over time. Thus, the siphon gradually shows malfunctions, constantly absorbing less and less water, until it reaches the point of being completely clogged.

In case your siphon is blocked, we suggest that you do not use any chemical blocker of the trade. Chemical blockers can clear your siphon. But you have to be careful. You may have problems with your pipes in the future. This is because the pipes may be made of some materials that cannot withstand the action of these liquids. If you want, you can unblock your siphon in a natural way of blocking, which you can apply yourself.

The ultimate guide to dealing with a clogged siphon!

A clogged siphon is one of the most annoying things that can happen to you at the most inopportune moment in your home. You are more likely to experience this problem at least once or twice a year, either in the sink, in the sink, or in the bathtub. If you want to avoid plumbing, it is best to know some clever direct ways to solve the problem without money and hassle.

What are the most common causes of the problem?

In the kitchen

We tend to overestimate the size and amount of our garbage, letting it slip into the sink pipe. But garbage and food scraps accumulate in the pipes and sooner or later the problem will appear.

Peels from fruits and vegetables are a common cause and are difficult to break down and leave our tubes. The same goes for starchy foods and fiber, such as potatoes and greens. These tend to dilate after a while, soaking, and thus creating a whole layer on your siphon. Finally, something you may not know is that the oil remains and accumulates in our sink, causing severe clogging.

In the bathroom

In the bathroom, you have two taps, one in your sink and another in your bathtub. The most common causes are hair and dental floss. Many people brush their hair in the sink, which is wrong. Hair, along with soap scum and dust, exacerbates the problem.

6 smart ways to clear your siphon

Vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda are the perfect combinations to unwind your clogged siphon, but also a beneficial solution. The alkaline quality of the baking soda and the acidic content of the vinegar create a good cleaning option. Along with these, you will need a jug of hot water.

First, pour a little hot water into the siphon and then pour a cup of baking soda. Then, use a damp cloth to cover the siphon and leave it for 10 minutes. Then pour a cup of vinegar and immediately after a cup of hot water. After a while, turn on your tap so that the water drains away from the stuck residue.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Most of us have an oxygen bottle in our bathroom – if you don’t have one, it’s a good idea to get one. You will also need baking soda. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a cup of oxygen and pour it into the clogged siphon. You will notice foam; don’t worry, this is the process. Leave it for 15 minutes and then add hot water.

Wire hanger

Another way to clear your siphon is to put in something thin enough to pull the source of the problem out. If you don’t have anything else, use a wire hanger. You need to straighten the hanger and create a hook. Dip one foot into warm paraffin, pausing between layers to allow them to dry.

Soap for dishes and hot water

Dishes soap contains ingredients that fight fats, so if oil and fat are the main obstacles, then this method will be useful to you. Pour a little soap directly into the siphon and then add hot water. This will prevent greasy impurities and you can repeat the procedure once a week.

Salt, lemon and vinegar

Salt, lemon, and vinegar – the ultimate powerful cleaning siphon for your siphon. You can also try plain salt, but it will be more effective to combine it with the other two ingredients. You will need equal amounts of salt and vinegar (1 cup of each). Pour both ingredients into a bowl and mix, then add half a cup of lemon juice to the mixture and mix. Remember that we do not want a solid ointment.

It needs to flow into the pipe. Add a little more lemon juice if needed. Pour the mixture into the siphon and leave it for 15 – 30 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem. Then pour a cup of hot water. Lemon will even give a feeling of freshness in your kitchen or bathroom.

Clean the pipe

Sometimes, especially because of food debris, the sink needs to be disconnected and cleaned. This is the most difficult option on the list, but one of the most effective. You will need a pair of gloves, a bucket, and a key. Place the empty basket under the tube. Then relax the couple with the key. As soon as you remove this part of the pipe, water will fall into the basket. Clean the accumulated debris and rinse with warm water. Replace the part you removed and the problem will be solved.

Remember that once your siphon is clean, your goal is to keep the tube clean. So don’t throw food scraps and oils in the sink, put a hair trap in your sink, and especially in the bathtub and regularly add baking soda and vinegar to keep them clean. you will be surprised by the result.

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